Collaboration That Drives Impact: our first event in Estonia
On the second Monday of December we threw our first event, “Collaboration That Drives Impact: Science, Talent, and Private Capital.” in Estonia. Together with the attendees from across the ecosystem, we explored how the New Nordics are at the forefront of innovation and why now is the perfect time to invest in science-driven startups. With […]
Nordic Science Investments – yliopistojen innovaatioista kasvuyrityksiä
Nordic Science Investments syntyi täyttämään rahoituskapeikkoa ja käynnisti juuri ensimmäisen pääomasijoitusrahastonsa. NSI:n sijoitukset ja osaaminen auttavat yliopistojen tutkijaryhmiä rakentamaan keksinnöistään kaupallisia menestystarinoita. Read more >>
University of Tartu’s collaboration with Finnish venture capital fund to speed up commercialisation of research projects
On 28 August, the University of Tartu’s Centre for Entrepreneurship and Innovation met representatives of the Finnish venture capital fund Nordic Science Investments. During the meeting, the parties discussed starting cooperation between the university and the fund and set out the first steps on how the university’s research teams could implement their ideas more efficiently […]
NADMED raises €3.5M to bring NAD tests to international markets, advancing personalized treatment options
Finnish biotech company NADMED has developed the first test to measure all four bodily forms of vitamin B3, called NADs, and glutathiones directly from fresh blood in hours, with the highest accuracy on the market. NADMED provides crucial information on vitamin B3 deficiencies, which have been linked to degenerative age-related diseases such as metabolic diseases, […]
Turun yliopiston tutkimuksesta syntynsä saanut syöpädiagnostiikan yritys pureutuu pään ja kaulan alueen syöpien ratkaisemattomaan ongelmaan
Turun yliopiston ja Tyksin tutkijoiden sekä AURIA biopankin yhteistyön pohjalta perustettu syöpädiagnostiikan yritys Thestra Oy on kehittänyt ratkaisun pään ja kaulan alueen syöpien diagnostiikkaan. Yhtiölle myönnettiin riskirahoitus Nordic Science Investments Oy -rahoitusyhtiöltä. Read more >>
Suomalaiset huippukeksinnöt eivät lähde lentoon – Uusi rahasto: ”Tulee mullistamaan tutkimustulosten kaupallistamisen”
Nordic Science Investments on Pohjoismaiden ensimmäinen pääomasijoitusrahasto, jonka tavoitteena on auttaa yliopistojen tutkijaryhmiä ja innovaatio-osastoja rakentamaan keksinnöistä menestyviä yrityksiä. Read more >>
Nordic Science Investments, a newly launched venture capital fund, drives spinout success in the Nordics through expertise in research commercialisation
Nordic Science Investments is the first Nordic VC fund dedicated to university spinouts and is led by experts in technology transfer from top universities. It aims to unlock the commercial potential of academic innovations, pioneering the transformation of research into market successes in the Nordics. The firm has successfully finalised the first closing of its […]
First fund by Nordic Science Investments – focus on science innovations
Nordic Science Investments has closed its first fund and simultaneously launched its investment operations. The target size for the fund is EUR 60 million. NSI is backed by a group of experts in commercializing research-based innovations (technology transfer), and it invests in the potential of innovations arising from research and science. In addition to growth […]